Pickles cover products such as table olives, capers, lemons, green peppers,…
The table olive represents the main product of this activity due to the important quantities processed.
The national production of table olives for the 2020 season has been estimated at about 20 thousand tons, against an average of 36 thousand tons produced during the previous season.
The quantities of national production of table olives are distributed in different regions as follows:

As for the areas of table olive trees, they are estimated, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, about 26 thousand hectares (about 2.3% of the total area) and distributed as follows:

The number of table olive processing plants in the sector organized in the 2020 season reached 27 units, with a processing capacity of about 22,000 tons per year, of which 10 units based on the ISO 9000 and/or ISO 22000 quality system.
The 2020 processing season began in the second half of last August, with a remaining stock of nearly 4000 tons compared to the previous season. The quantities of table olives processed during the 2020 season amounted to about 7000 tons, compared to 11 thousand tons in 2019.
The commercialization is done either in bulk in drums of different sizes or in plastic buckets of several sizes, or in glass jars and other packaging (metal box, plastic bag).
Tags: GICA, Table-olive