Taking advantage for a long time of the wealth of the Mediterranean, the first processing factories of bluefish in Tunisia are among the oldest of the mediterranean basin. Some processing units were created at the begining of the 19th century.

Currently, the sector has 33 canneries located in the regions of the northern coast (Cap Bon), the central coast (Mahdia, Monastir and Sousse) and the southern coast (Sfax, Gabes and Médenine). These canneries are distributed by activity as follows:

  • 12 mixed units (sardine and tuna),
  • 3 units specialising in the manufacture of canned sardines,
  • 4 units specialising in the manufacture of canned tuna
  • 14 production units for canned and semi-preserved anchovies

This tradition, which combines the gustatory qualities of Mediterranean fish with the know-how of industrialists, has nowadays developed with the acquisition of modern processing lines and the implementation of a management system for sanitary aspects. Indeed, at present, the majority of canneries have EEC sanitary approval (26 units) and about ten have certifications linked to QHSE systems (ISO 9001 and ISO 22000) and the others are in the process of being set up.

Thanks to the national upgrading programme, which began in 1993, the blue fish processing industry has been able to acquire the best assets to meet the requirements of the world market. This modernization has concerned all levels of the sector: from the fishing fleet to the points of sale, without forgetting the processing and treatment enterprises of fishery products as well as the means of transport.

This strategy has made a significant contribution to improving the level of production and has enabled the processing industry to upgrade and conquer important export markets.

The processing of fishery products into canned products alone provides almost 4,500 direct jobs, with a framing rate of up to 20%, not to mention the jobs linked to fisheries as well as logistics and the other various services.