GICA, aware of the importance of the agricultural component in the value chain of the food canning industries, has set up a research and development programme for the agricultural sector in order to find alternatives to the existing difficulties and participate in the development of the agronomic link.
Through its “assistance and development of agricultural campaigns” service, the GICA:
– Provides technical assistance to producers
– Monitors the general trend of the crop years
– Ensures regular monitoring of the evolution of the overall phytosanitary state, of the areas under cultivation and of the problems of the agricultural campaigns…
In this context, the GICA has set up a varietal testing program for tomatoes intended for processing and another testing program for chili peppers.
1.Variety testing program for industrial tomatoes
During the last campaigns 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, and with the collaboration of processing units, nurseries and seed companies, the Tunisian group for canned food industries GICA has set up 25 tomato variety experimental stations, at the level of the main regions of seasonal tomato cultivation.
(CapBon, Kairouan, Gafsa and North-West…) (Figure 1).

Map of test sites
The objective of this program is to:
• Characterize the quantitative and qualitative productivity parameters of tomato varieties.
• Study the suitability of tomato varieties for processing.
• Set up a database summarizing the actual characteristics of the different varieties available on the market; to be updated daily.
In order to assess the productive and quality potential of the varieties and their adaptations in the main seasonal tomato growing regions, the test stations were set up in different areas according to the earliness of the crop, the type of soil and the salinity of the irrigation water (Table 1).
Table 1. Trial Distribution by Campaign, Crop Regions
and irrigation water quality

* N: salinity of normal irrigation water less than 3 g/ l
* E: high salinity of irrigation water, greater than 3 g/litre.
The parameters studied are:
・ Overall Performance and Transformable Performance per ha
・ Waste Rate: green fruit + rotten fruit
・ Degree of soluble sugars °Brix
・ Color Index
・ Performance in Brix per ha
・ Precociousness, vigor and coverage of fruit
This is a useful tool when selecting varieties that are most productive and suitable for processing (group maturation, °Brix, etc.) especially following the adoption of a payment structure for tomato fruit quality.
2.Processing pepper varietal trial program
It is within the framework of improving the competitiveness of the processing system that this program for setting up experimental trials for processing pepper varieties was conceived.
The objective is to
– Characterize the quantitative and qualitative productivity parameters of pepper varieties
– Study the suitability of pepper varieties for processing
– Establishment of a database for processing chilli varieties
The parameters studied:
・ Overall Performance and Transformable Performance per ha
・ Degree of soluble sugars °Brix
・ Color Index
・ Degree of acidity
For the first time, the trials concern the varieties most in demand from the producers contracted with the chilli processors. The database once established will be updated each season with the new data. It will be available to producers and processors to guide them in their choice of varieties best suited to the soil and climate conditions of a given region and to processing requirements, particularly for producers of the Harissa Food Quality Label.